NEWS .. Introducing the Green ISSA initiative:
The creation of the Green ISSA initiative falls in line with significant updates to the ISSA Quality standard. We have taken the opportunity of looking to incorporate the GREEN ISSA initiative into our highly successful ISSA Quality Standard in a further bid to assist members with further competitive advantage.
For more information click HERE
The ISSA Members Quality Standard has been devised to set the minimum standard bench-mark for the ship supply industry that ISSA Members should strive to achieve.
You can download the full Standard HERE
For all members of National Associations, the elected representative within the country will be informed by the ISSA Quality Manager when one of their members requests to be audited under the Standard.
The ISSA Quality Manager will then engage directly with the member and forward the Audit document to the applicant company.
If the applicant company is already certified to ISO 9001:2015 Standard then the audit will not be done but the applicant company will be requested to forward their ISO Certificate for checking and verification.
If found to be correct then they will be immediately certified as an ISSA Quality Member. The initial charge for verification of their ISO Certificate and issuance of their ISSA Quality Certificate is €200.00.
Annually thereafter the Certificate has to be reviewed and renewed and the charge for this if they remain ISO certified is €200.00.
Should an applicant company from a National Association not be ISO certified then the ISSA Quality Manager will audit them and due to the commercial sensitivity of information provided will deal with the Company direct.
The cost of the initial audit is €500.00. The Certificate is valid for 5 years but is reviewed and endorsed each year at a cost of €250.00.
In either case communication with the ISSA Quality Manager is via e-mail at the e-mail address
For all companies applying to be Associate Members of ISSA it is mandatory to be audited under the ISSA Quality Standard.
If an applicant company is ISO certified then they are required to forward a copy of their ISO Certificate to the ISSA Quality Manager. This will be reviewed and checked and if all is in order the ISSA Quality Certificate will be issued via the ISSA Secretariat as part of the associate membership application process.
The charge for reviewing and checking the ISO Certificate and subsequent issue of the ISSA Quality Certificate is €200.00.
The Certificate is valid for 5 years with annual review and checking being required at a cost of €200.00.
For applicant companies without ISO it will be necessary for the ISSA Quality Manager to conduct an audit of the company.
The ISSA Quality Manager will send the audit document direct to the Company and all communications between the ISSA Quality Manager and the Company will be through the e-mail address
The charge for the audit is €500.00.
Upon successful completion of the audit the ISSA Quality Manager will issue the ISSA Quality Certificate via the ISSA Secretariat as part of the associate membership application process.
The Certificate is valid for 5 years with annual review and endorsement for which the charge if €250.00 per year.
All ISSA Quality Members are entitled to display the special ISSA Quality Logo on their corporate stationery, premises and vehicles. In addition it will be displayed within their entry in the ISSA Register On-line.
The current ISO 9001 Standard is ISO 9001:2015 and ISSA encourages all present and aspiring ISSA Members to be audited to that Standard.