JPS Ships Supply Service

  • Klaipeda
  • Lithuania
Head Office
Membership Number :
LT 0008
JPS Ships Supply Service
General Ship Supplier
Specialised in :
General ship supply, Provisions, Bonded stores, deck, engine, cabin, galley, nautical, safety and medical stores. Repair works, life saving equipment services, inspections.
General ship supply, Provisions, Bonded stores, deck, engine, cabin, galley, nautical, safety and medical stores. Repair works, life saving equipment services, inspections.
Also Serves the following ports :
Liepaja, Riga, Venspils
Postal Address:
Minijos str. 169 P,
Klaipeda LT-94287
Phone (After hours):
+370 6520 8835
+370 6520 8835
Contact Name:
Contact Mobile:
Contact2 Name:
Contact2 Mobile:
ISSA Contact:
ISSA Contact Email:
Viaceslav Golubovskij
+370 6187 6853
Vitalija Srèbaliené
+370 6942 3517
Vitalija Srèbaliené
Legal Entity:
Registration No.:
Limited Liability Company