Ship suppliers based in

  • Tanzania

Please click on a Port below to list ISSA Members serving that location:

  • Tanzania |
Head Office
General Ship Supplier
Specialised in :
Ships Provisions, Deck/ Cabin/ Bonded Stores, Galley, Water, Bunkering, Medical Stores, Stationery & Laundry.Watchmen & Dog Search, Lashing & Unlashing, Engine Room Cleaning, Inspection, Repairs, Owner Spare Parts Handling, Garbage Disposal.Safety Equipment, Spare Parts, Marine Paints, Electrical, Crew Change, All Gasses &Technical Stores, Lube Oil & Fuel, Sludge & Garbage collection Free. Delivery at Anchorage.
Head Office
Specialised in :
Ships Provisions & Deck/Cabin Stores, Oil & Lubricants, Ship Spares